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Kajabi Marketing Settings: A Step-by-Step Guide for Coaches and Course Creators

Kajabi Marketing Settings Guide by Maria Taveras - Optimize Your Online Business

Setting up your Kajabi marketing settings correctly is essential for the success of your online business. As an online business strategist and Kajabi expert, I’ve helped countless coaches, mentors, therapists, and course creators optimize their Kajabi sites to streamline their operations and enhance communication with their audience. In this guide, I’ll walk you through every aspect of Kajabi's Marketing Settings, ensuring your emails look professional, comply with regulations, and effectively represent your brand.

Marketing Settings help you control the Address, Branding, and Email Settings for Your Site

Setting up your Kajabi marketing settings correctly is crucial for the success of your online business. Not only does it help you maintain a professional appearance, but it also ensures that your email marketing efforts comply with international laws, giving your brand the credibility it deserves.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll walk you through every aspect of Kajabi's Marketing Settings, from setting up your marketing contact address to configuring your email sequences. By the end, you'll have a fully optimized marketing setup that will streamline your business operations and enhance your communication with your audience.

If you haven’t given Kajabi a try yet, I’ve got something special just for you. Instead of the regular 14-day free trial, you can enjoy an extended 30-day trial by using my affiliate link, By signing up through my link, you'll also receive my exclusive Kajabi Kickstart course as a gift from me. When you continue using Kajabi as a paying user through my link, email me your receipt and I’ll book a 1:1 strategy success session to help you scale your business while using Kajabi.


Table of Contents


Setting Up Your Marketing Contact Address

The first thing Kajabi will ask for is your Marketing Contact Address. This address is crucial because it will be displayed in the footer of all your marketing emails, right beside the unsubscribe link.This address is essential for compliance with international anti-spam laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States or GDPR in Europe.

By completing these fields, you’re not only complying with important regulations, but you’re also establishing trust with your audience by showing them that your business is legitimate and professional.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Use a Legitimate Address: The address you provide doesn’t need to be your physical street address; it could be a P.O. Box if you prefer to keep your home address private. However, it must be a legitimate address that can be used for official correspondence.

  • Importance of Completing These Fields: You won’t be able to create or send any marketing emails—whether broadcasts or sequences—until these fields are filled out. So, it’s important to complete this step as soon as possible, especially if your Kajabi site is brand new.

Here’s how to customize your Marketing Contact Address:

  1. Open the Settings Tab: From your Kajabi Dashboard, navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Click Marketing Settings: Within the Settings menu, click on Marketing Settings to access the relevant section.
  3. Locate Marketing Contact Address: Once in Marketing Settings, find the section labeled Marketing Contact Address and complete all applicable fields, including:
    • Name or Company: Enter your business name or your personal name. This will be displayed in the footer of your marketing emails.
    • Address Line 1 & Address Line 2: Fill in your address details.If you operate from home, you may want to use a P.O. Box for privacy reasons.
    • City, State/Province/Region, Zip/Postal Code: Provide your location details to ensure compliance.
    • Country: Select your country from the dropdown menu.

By correctly entering your contact address, you’re making sure that your emails are legally compliant, which can help prevent your emails from being flagged as spam. This small step is crucial for maintaining a strong sender reputation, especially if you plan to scale your email marketing efforts.

How to set up your Kajabi marketing contact address for email compliance


Company Logo for Kajabi Marketing Emails

One key element in your Kajabi marketing settings is your Company Logo. This image will be placed at the top of all your marketing emails, serving as a visual representation of your brand. It’s a simple yet effective way to reinforce your branding every time you communicate with your audience.

You need to be mindful of the size and placement of your logo to ensure it looks professional and doesn’t overpower the rest of your content.

Recommended Dimensions:

  • 150 x 100 pixels: This size is ideal for keeping your logo visible but not overwhelming. Ensure your logo is resized before uploading, as Kajabi doesn’t allow for image editing after the upload. I recommend using a transparent PNG file for a clean, professional look.

  • 600 x 300 pixels: If you prefer a slightly larger logo, this dimension is also supported. Just make sure it doesn’t overshadow the content of your email.

Having a well-placed, professional logo not only enhances brand recognition but also adds a layer of professionalism to your communications. This subtle touch can significantly impact how your audience perceives your business.

 Guide to uploading and customizing your company logo in Kajabi marketing emails

How to Upload Your Company Logo

Here’s a step-by-step guide to uploading your logo in Kajabi:

  1. Open the Settings Tab: From your Dashboard, navigate to the Settings tab.
  2. Select Marketing Settings: Within the Settings menu, click on Marketing Settings.
  3. Locate Company Logo: Scroll down to find the Company Logo section.
  4. Upload Your Logo: Click on the image field. You’ll have the option to either upload a new file or select a recent file if you’ve uploaded logos before.

Note: If you ever need to change your logo, you’ll have to re-upload the new image. A tool like PicResize can help you adjust the dimensions of your logo to fit Kajabi’s requirements.

Recommendation:  While Kajabi allows you to upload a logo that will automatically appear in all your marketing emails, if you want a logo at the top of your emails, you can remove the logo from the Marketing Settings entirely. Instead, manually add the logo as you create each email, whether it’s a broadcast, sequence, or event email. This method gives you more control over the size and placement of your logo, ensuring it complements your content rather than dominates it.

If you do choose to upload your logo directly in the Marketing Settings, consider using a smaller version to maintain a clean, unobtrusive design.


How to Remove Your Logo From Your Email Campaigns

If you’ve previously added a logo to your email campaigns but decide it no longer fits your branding or campaign style, removing it is straightforward:

  1. Open the Settings Tab: Go to the Settings tab from your Dashboard.
  2. Select Marketing Settings: Scroll down to the Logo section.
  3. Click Remove: Simply click the Remove button next to your logo, and then click Save to keep your changes.

This flexibility allows you to adjust the appearance of your emails based on the specific goals of each campaign.


Understanding and Customizing Transactional Emails

When setting up your online business on Kajabi, one of the critical areas to configure is your Email Settings. These settings allow you to select the domain from which your marketing emails will be sent, which is essential for maintaining a professional appearance and ensuring compliance with legal requirements like the CAN-SPAM Act.


What is CAN-SPAM?

Before diving into the technical setup, it's important to understand what the CAN-SPAM Act is and why it matters for your business.

The CAN-SPAM Act, short for "Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing Act of 2003," is a U.S. law that sets the rules for commercial emails. It gives recipients the right to stop receiving unwanted emails and sets out tough penalties for violations. The Act applies to all commercial messages, which means any email promoting a product or service, even if it's sent to another business.

Here’s what you need to keep in mind:

  • Global Compliance: Although the CAN-SPAM Act is a U.S. law, Kajabi users worldwide must comply with it, regardless of where your business is located. Additionally, depending on your and your contacts' locations, you may be subject to other international regulations.

  • To comply with CAN-SPAM, your commercial emails must meet specific criteria:

    • Unsubscribe Option: Every marketing email must include an easy way for recipients to unsubscribe.
    • Transparent Content: Your email content must be clear and honest, without any misleading information.
    • Honest Sending Behavior: Your email headers, subject lines, and reply-to addresses must be accurate and reflective of your business.

Understanding and complying with CAN-SPAM not only keeps you legally safe but also builds trust with your audience, increasing the likelihood that your emails will be delivered successfully rather than ending up in spam folders.

The penalties for non-compliance or violating CAN-SPAM can be severe. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), each separate email that violates the CAN-SPAM Act can result in penalties of up to $43,280. These fines underscore the importance of staying compliant with all email regulations.

Now that you understand the importance of the CAN-SPAM Act, let’s go over how to set up your email settings in Kajabi to ensure compliance:

  • Include Your Postal Address: Your marketing emails must display a current, valid physical business address. This can be a street address, a P.O. Box, or a private mailbox registered with a commercial mail receiving agency. Kajabi helps you comply by requiring you to complete your Marketing Settings before you can create email campaigns. Simply navigate to the Settings tab, open Marketing Settings, and enter your address.

  • Honor Opt-Out Requests Promptly: When a recipient chooses to unsubscribe, you must honor this request within 10 business days. Kajabi automatically handles unsubscribe requests, ensuring you stay compliant without extra effort on your part.

  • Use Transparent "From," "To," and "Reply-To" Language: Your email’s "From" and "Reply-To" information must accurately identify your business. Configure these settings in Kajabi to ensure your emails are sent from a legitimate, recognizable email address.

  • Monitor What Others Are Doing on Your Behalf: If you work with others to send emails on your behalf, ensure they comply with CAN-SPAM. Ultimately, it’s your responsibility to ensure compliance.

Things Not to Do:

  • Don’t Sell or Transfer Recipients' Information: After someone opts out of receiving your emails, you cannot sell or transfer their information. The only exception is transferring addresses to a company you’ve hired to help comply with CAN-SPAM.

  • Don’t Make It Difficult to Unsubscribe: Your emails must include a clear and obvious way to unsubscribe. Kajabi automatically includes an unsubscribe button at the bottom of your marketing emails, ensuring compliance.

  • Don’t Use Deceptive Subject Lines: Your subject line must reflect the content of your email accurately. Honesty in your subject line is not only crucial for compliance but also for maintaining high deliverability rates.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be considered legal advice. Always consult with a licensed attorney to ensure you comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and international standards for your specific circumstances.


Configuring Your Email Settings in Kajabi

When setting up your email marketing on Kajabi, one of the key aspects to configure is your Email Settings. These settings allow you to control how your emails appear to recipients, including the "From" name, email address, and reply-to email. These details are crucial for maintaining a professional image and ensuring your emails are delivered successfully.

Default Email Settings in Kajabi

By default, Kajabi provides you with an email address through their email server, which typically looks something like This is the standard setup, and it benefits from Kajabi’s strong sender reputation, which can help your emails avoid spam filters and reach your audience's inboxes.

However, this default address might look a bit odd and might not align perfectly with your brand. That’s why Kajabi offers the option to customize your email settings, giving you more control over how your emails are perceived.

Customizing Your "From" Information

If you want to change the "From" information—such as the name and email address that appears when your emails are sent—here’s how you can do it:

  1. Open the Settings Tab: Start by navigating to the Settings tab from your Kajabi Dashboard.
  2. Select Marketing Settings: Within the Settings menu, click on Marketing Settings.
  3. Customize the "From" Information: Here, you can adjust the "From Name," "From Email," and "Reply-to" email address.

    From name: This is the name that will appear in the "From" field of your marketing emails. If you don’t fill this in, Kajabi will automatically use your site title. However, I recommend setting this to your business name for brand consistency.

    From email: Kajabi provides a personalized email address for your account, which benefits from Kajabi's excellent sender reputation. This is ideal if you're just starting and want to ensure high deliverability rates.

    Reply-to email: is where replies to your emails will be sent. For example, if someone receives your email and has a question about your program, they’ll hit reply, and the email will be sent to the address you’ve specified in this field. 

Pro Tip: Kajabi recommends leaving the "From Email" section blank to use the default Kajabi email address. This takes advantage of the excellent sender reputation Kajabi has built over the years. However, if you prefer to use an email address from a provider like Gmail or Outlook, consider using that as your "Reply-to" address instead.

Note: These settings only apply to your Email Broadcasts and Email Sequences. Transactional emails or support emails are sent from your support email address, which is configured separately.

 Steps to customize email settings in Kajabi, including from name and reply-to address


Setting Up a Custom Email Domain in Kajabi

Using a custom email domain allows your marketing emails to appear as though they’re coming directly from your brand, which can significantly enhance your credibility. This is especially important if you’re sending a high volume of emails each week, as it helps to establish and maintain your brand’s reputation with your audience.

However, if you’re just starting and only sending a few hundred emails per month, you might want to stick with Kajabi’s default domain to leverage their strong sender reputation as you grow your list.

 Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your custom email domain in Kajabi:

  1. Connect Your Custom Domain to Kajabi. Before setting up a custom email domain, ensure that your custom domain (e.g., is connected to your Kajabi account. Without this connection, you won’t be able to set up a custom email domain.

  2. Open the Settings Tab. Navigate to the Settings tab on the lower left of your Kajabi Dashboard.

  3. Select Marketing Settings. Within the Settings menu, click on Marketing Settings and scroll down to the Email Settings section.

  4. Set Up Your Custom Email Domain. Click on "Set up custom email domain instead" and enter the From Name, From Email, and Reply-to Email for your custom email domain. This information is what your recipients will see when they receive your emails.

  5. Create Your Unique DNS Records. Kajabi will generate unique DNS records that need to be added to your domain registrar (e.g., GoDaddy, Namecheap). These include three TXT records, two MX records, and one CNAME record.

    • To do this, follow the on-screen instructions in Kajabi, which will guide you through the process of adding these DNS records.
  6. Add Your DNS Records to Your Domain Registrar. Log in to your domain registrar’s account and add the DNS records provided by Kajabi. Be careful not to delete or replace any existing DNS records, as this could disrupt your domain’s other functions.

Once you’ve added the DNS records, the verification process begins. This can take up to 48 hours as the DNS changes propagate across Internet Service Provider (ISP) nodes worldwide. During this time, your marketing emails will continue to send via Kajabi’s shared marketing email domain.

  • Check the Status: You can monitor the status of your custom email domain setup in the Marketing Settings. Kajabi will notify you via email once the setup is complete or if there’s an issue that needs addressing.

  • Test Your Custom Domain: After your custom email domain is confirmed, it’s a good idea to send a test email to ensure everything is working correctly.

If there’s a problem during the verification process, Kajabi will change the status in your Marketing Email Domain settings to indicate an error. This usually happens if DNS records weren’t entered correctly. To resolve this, return to the setup page in Kajabi, review the required DNS records, and make any necessary corrections in your DNS provider.


Removing a Custom Email Domain

If you decide to revert to using Kajabi’s shared email domain, you can remove your custom email domain from the Marketing Settings. However, keep in mind that this action cannot be undone, and you’ll need to go through the entire setup process again if you wish to reestablish a custom email domain later.


Configuring Email Sequence Defaults in Kajabi

When you’re managing an online business, automating your email marketing is crucial. One way to streamline this process in Kajabi is by setting up Email Sequence Defaults. These settings allow you to control the default time and time zone for when your email sequences are sent, ensuring that your audience receives your messages at the most effective times.

Setting Up Email Sequence Defaults

Configuring your email sequence defaults helps you manage your campaigns more efficiently. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Open the Settings Tab: From your Kajabi Dashboard, click on the Settings tab.
  2. Select Marketing Settings: Navigate to the Marketing Settings section.
  3. Scroll to Email Sequence Defaults: At the bottom of the page, you’ll find the Email Sequence Defaults section. Here, you can select the default time and time zone for your email sequences.

Default Time to Send Emails:

  • You can set a specific time of day when your emails will be sent. For example, if you’re setting up a promotional email sequence for a webinar, you might choose to send emails at 11 a.m. each day.
  • Keep in mind that this time can be overridden in individual email sequences if needed, but if you don’t make any changes, Kajabi will use the default time you’ve set here.

Default Time Zone:

  • The time zone you select will determine when your emails are sent based on your audience’s location. For example, if most of your audience is in New York, you might want to set your default time zone to Eastern Time (ET).

Pro Tip: Choose a time of day when your audience is likely to be active and ready to engage with your emails. This can increase the chances of your emails being opened and acted upon.

How to set default time and time zone for email sequences in Kajabi  

Understanding and Customizing Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are different from marketing emails. They include any email sent for the purpose of completing a transaction, such as purchase confirmations or account notifications. Here’s what you need to know about setting up and managing transactional emails in Kajabi.

What Are Transactional Emails?

Transactional emails in Kajabi are system-generated messages that are sent regardless of whether a user is subscribed to your marketing emails. These emails are essential for communicating important information related to actions taken on your site, such as confirming a purchase or granting access to a product.

Understanding the difference between marketing and transactional emails is crucial for staying compliant with laws like the CAN-SPAM Act. Marketing emails are promotional and must comply with strict regulations, while transactional emails are more focused on facilitating a transaction and have fewer restrictions.


Adding an Avatar or Logo to Your Email Campaigns

Adding an avatar or logo to your email campaigns can enhance your brand recognition. While this feature depends on the email client your recipients use, services like Gravatar can help you associate an avatar with your email address.

How to Add Your Logo with Gravatar

  1. Create a Gravatar Account: Visit Gravatar and create a free account.
  2. Pick the Email to Modify: After setting up your account, select the email address you want to associate with your avatar.
  3. Upload Your Image: Upload the image you want to use as your avatar, crop it if necessary, and set the appropriate maturity rating.
  4. Edit Your Reply-To Email in Kajabi: Go back to your Kajabi account, open the Marketing Settings, and enter the email address you used in Gravatar in the Reply-To email address field.

Once set up, your Gravatar image will appear when recipients reply to your marketing emails.

Note: The effectiveness of Gravatar depends on the email clients your recipients use. Some email clients may not display the avatar, so it’s worth testing to see how your emails appear.


Ready to Optimize Your Kajabi Email Settings?

Customizing your email settings in Kajabi, from sequence defaults to transactional emails, is a vital part of running a successful online business. These settings not only help you stay compliant with email regulations but also enhance your brand’s professionalism.

If you haven’t started using Kajabi yet, get an extended 30-day trial with my affiliate link at By signing up through my link, you'll also receive my Kajabi Kickstart course as a bonus, and I’ll book a 1:1 strategy session with you once you’re a paying user.

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Need more personalized help? Schedule a call with me and my team at Let’s work together to ensure your Kajabi site is set up for success.

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